02 November 2009


Visual Basic Power Packs 3.0 have very cool same as we web application, named DataRepeater.

lets do some cool stuff with DataRepeater control.

  • Add Data source.
  • Add Combobox in datarepeater control
  • Hide show controls runtime in datarepeater control



See the above image, We have a button, a DataRepeater control and in data  repeater control we have a textbox, a combo box and a label which will hide and show runtime by selecting value of combobox.

So lets start, how to do this.


Create a class to save data, I am not using any DataTable for this example.

public class data1 : List<data1>
        private string mName;
        private string mDdlValue;

        public data1()

       public string Name
            get { return mName; }
            set { mName = value; }

        public string DdlValue
            get { return mDdlValue; }
            set { mDdlValue = value; }

In above code we have two property “Name” and “DdlValue” and it is inherited with “List” to bind data.

Now lets bind that controls with data1 class

I will use Form_Load  event to do this.

/// <summary>
/// data1 variable declaration in Form Class
/// </summary>
private data1 objData = new data1();


private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    ///Bind Textbox with Name property
    tbName.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Text", objData, "Name"));

    ///Bind Combo box with DdlValue property
    comboBox1.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Text", objData, "DdlValue"));


And databind “objData” to DataRepeater1 control, I will use button click event to do this.

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    objData.Add(new data1());
    dataRepeater1.DataSource = null;
    dataRepeater1.DataSource = objData;


Ok to now when  you will click on button2, it will add new item in “objData” and then, bind it to dataRepeater1 control.

But still we have to add item in combobox, So we need to use “ItemCloned” event to do this.

private void dataRepeater1_ItemCloned(object sender, Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.DataRepeaterItemEventArgs e)
    ComboBox c1 = (ComboBox)e.DataRepeaterItem.Controls.Find("comboBox1", true)[0];


you can see that now there are 5 item in combo box.

and finally let hide and show a label control dynamically, Here in example the logic is, when use select “sa2” from combo box it will show the label else it will be hide.

We have to use DrowItem event to do this.

private void dataRepeater1_DrawItem(object sender, DataRepeaterItemEventArgs e)
    if (objData[e.DataRepeaterItem.ItemIndex].DdlValue == "sa2")
        ((Label)e.DataRepeaterItem.Controls.Find("label2", true)[0]).Text = "this is second option";
        ((Label)e.DataRepeaterItem.Controls.Find("label2", true)[0]).Visible = false;

So this is good to run our program, but one more thing, If you want to hide show label directly when use change value from dropdown list, you have to add SelectedIndexChanged to combobox1.

private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    ComboBox cbo = ((ComboBox)(sender));

    DataRepeaterItem prnt = (DataRepeaterItem)(cbo.Parent);

    Label objLavel = ((Label)(prnt.Controls.Find("Label2", true)[0]));
    if (cbo.SelectedIndex == -1)
    if (cbo.Text == "sa2")
        objLavel.Visible = true;
        objLavel.Text = cbo.Text;
        objLavel.Visible = false;

So just press F5 to run this program.

So this is a very simple example to work with dataRepeater control, you can utilize your requirement in it and have some cool looking information in your window application!