09 December 2008

Get CSS cool menu, you create menu online and can download it's source.

16 November 2008

InstallationWiki.org is designed to provide you with comprehensive and free guides to installing software. It is an open Wiki for everyone to contribute to.

20 October 2008

I m using SQL Server 2005 and trying to get table name "myTable" from all databases from SQL Server

begin try
Exec sp_MSforeachdb 'Select * From ?..sysobjects where name=''myTable'''
end try
begin catch
print 'error'
end catch

06 October 2008

If you are using FCK editor and also you are using "Theme" from ASP.net you may get error for head tag in master page for Runat="Server" when you are uploading image from FCK Editor.

It have a simple solution,
Create a web.config file in "fckeditor" folder

and add "Page" element into "system.web" tag. and write down theme="".

pages theme="">

30 September 2008

Search Direct "Code" as search result!!!

You can see ZIP file's code without downloading. there is also "Language" option in advance search to get result for particular language.

So start to find direct Code!!!

24 September 2008

Get home entertainment via BigFlix , Just Register, Pay fees, and get DVD to your home!!!

It also present in Ahmedabad.

read More about this site.

20 September 2008

Download Visual Studio 2008 SP1.

and also read about that what new in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 from here in power point presentation and also in text format here.

18 September 2008

Download .NET Framework 3.5 Common Namespaces and Types Poster in PDF format.

17 September 2008

When you have update panel in your web page, You wanted to update page, Actually there will be same page life cycle, and also Page_Load event, It means that suppose you have some code in Page_Load event to bind Grid which is not there in UpdatePanel, Normally it will go to rebind data!

So, the question is how could we know different between normal postback and post back via update panel?

There is a property in "ScriptManager" control to get this different named "IsInAsyncPostBack"

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!ScriptManager1.IsInAsyncPostBack)
///Page Regular code
///Code Only for controls inside Update Pagens

30 August 2008

Create "Tab" Image Online...

and download "PNG" format, very quickly.
DayPilot is an AJAX calendar/scheduling control for ASP.NET 2.0 that allows you to to build calendar-related applications: personal or shared event calendars, resource booking applications, time tracking applications, project management applications.

This one is g8!
If you want to apply theme to Ajax Controls Toolkit, You may get following error.

Parser Error

Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Unknown server tag 'ajaxToolkit:ControlName'.

This is because it is required to register all custom user controls in to the web.config file.

So, under "pages" element create "controls" and add folofing tag in to it.

add namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" tagPrefix="ajaxToolkit"/>

Done, refresh the page. error is solved.

28 August 2008

Support you have a textbox and you want to display it's value in a label, we can face this problem that it will not show new line.
this is because the code is something like this:

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label1.Text = TextBox1.Text;

but now change this code by :

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label1.Text = TextBox1.Text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "

and see the result:

this is because if using "Environment" class.

09 August 2008

You can create your own site's Search Menu in quick search panel of Internet Explorer or in Firefox.

Actually there will be a XML file named "OpenSearch.xml". See Here

Lets See...

I have a page and "OpenSearch.xml" file in my solution explorer.

And add "LINK" tag in head tag of "aspx" page.

head runat="server"
title saAction title
link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="OpenSearch.xml" title="saAction"

Now run the page...

See the result in Internet Explorer...

See the result in Firefox...

But this is not enough, there is some other requirement see here.

08 August 2008

//use this name space.

using System.Net.Mail;

//User this code

MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();

//this is the main line to show friendly name in receiver's inbox.
mail.From = new MailAddress("saaction@myserver.com", "saAction Test Mail");


mail.Subject = "Some Subject";

mail.Body = "see the friendly name in place of email address!";

SmtpClient objSMTP = new SmtpClient("Server IP");


Lets' see the result.

07 August 2008

Here is a tool to change Visual Studio Theme (Coding Style - Color etc.)

Just select color, click on "Refresh" button to see the effect, and click on "Create" button to download "vssettings" fil.

Open Visual Studio and user "Import Export Setting..." from "Tools" men.

02 August 2008

Before few days a go, It was a requirement to create a menu dynamically and apply link in to it.

Here it is a simple example to create hyperlink to the div tag.

Here in the above image you can see that, there are two menu with div tag, If I'm using HyperLink tag it will just create hyperlink to the text only. But if I want to create HyperLink to the entire block, I will not happens with simple "A" anchor tag.

So here is that trick.

See the above image, there is a style with cursor:pointer; style. It will started to show hyperlink mouse pointer to that image tag.

Now lets add hyper link to the div tag using some javascript.

You can see that using "onClick" event of that div tag have some javascript.


It means when user will click on that div tag it will redirect the page to the "TextPage.aspx"
Visit Leigeber for web development stuff!

This is a blog, you will find so many interesting things with download of the source code. This is very useful for JavaScript developer.

30 July 2008

Get Master Pages tutorials from ASP.Net web site,

There are 10 tutorials what are very useful to learn and also for good pectic for coding. Specifying the Master Page Programmatically and Nested Master are realy useful.

Click Here

There is also available code C# and VB to download.
I was trying to validate FCK Editor, that user must have to enter some value in Editor using RequiredFieldValidator.

But I found that, Required Field Validator will not work with FCK editor directly until you did not change “EnableClientScript” equal to “false".

But CustomValidator will work with FCK editor.

There are two ways to add FCK Editor in ASPX page.

Add Editor using JavaScript

Or Add Editor using FCK Editor Component form Toolbox.

Now Add Custom Validator control to the page.

OK now we have to create a JavaScript function which one help us to check validation.

Done. Run the page and you can see that you must have some value in FCK Editor else it will not post server side event.

22 July 2008

How to Load User Control Dynamically and also access it's property dynamically.

support u have two user control

User Control "a0"

%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="a0.ascx.cs" Inherits="UserControlTest_a0" %

asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server">asp:TextBox>

br /

asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" /

And there is a property to something for text value in it's CS file.

public string TextValue
get { return TextBox1.Text; }
set { TextBox1.Text = value; }

Now User Control "a1"

%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="a1.ascx.cs" Inherits="UserControlTest_a1" %

%@ Register src="a0.ascx" tagname="ASP" tagprefix="ASP" %

Now in the page load event of this second user control I want to load "a0" user control and also want to set it's "TextValue" property.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
///Load Control
UserControl ucDynamic = (UserControl)LoadControl("a0.ascx");

///Add User control to the page

///Change Property value for newely added user cotrol
///here "UserControlTest" is the name of the folder in my test web site, user have to change it
((UserControlTest_a0)ucDynamic).TextValue = "saAction";

It mans there are two user controls "a0" and "a1", Using "UserControl" we can add user control dynamically and to access it's property we have to convert that variable in to our user control.

14 July 2008

08 July 2008

Create Online HTML from

Get all CSS free!!!

Click here

05 July 2008

Don't type too much in aspx page!

just write

asp: Label

and press enter

asp:Label runat=”server” id=”asp_Label2943″ />

Download this add-in from here

Unzip download and copy to :

C:\Documents and Settings\[USER]\Application Data\Microsoft\MSEnvShared\Addins

if you did not found "MSEnvShared" and "Addins" folder then create it manually.

24 June 2008

private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

Office.CommandBarComboBox webControl1 = (Office.CommandBarComboBox)this.Application.ActiveExplorer().CommandBars.FindControl(26, 1740, missing, missing);

webControl1.Text = "www.sa-action.blogspot.com";


10 June 2008

Find, Download Cool Icon over the net,

Click Here.

02 June 2008

See this example:

This is a simple two classes "Property" and "Customer", you can see that "Cusomer" class has a method named "PropertyTest" and it will return "Property" class.

See the intelsense list.

but now this the same method intelsense list.

this is coding stuff for C#

29 April 2008

Convert code C# to VB and VB to C# online.

Click Here

02 April 2008

This is one kind of RSS Reader software.

Using MSDN Reader we can brows MSDN Magazine very easily.

This is available on WidowsClient.net

Download MSDN Reader

12 March 2008

Check that how strong or best password you have!!!

Click here

04 March 2008

I have a web page with master page.

Now there is a functionality to "Print This Page", but not full page only one table form that. and it's value comes form database.

There is one want to open a page and load that same information form database. but using javascript, it's become so easier.

Let's check...

you can see that, there is some content with master page, Now I just want to print detail page, but not master page.

so I need to give ID to that control which one I want to print,

for example:

table id="tblResult"

and right down some javascript into this page.

script language="javascript">

function OpenWindow()

var printContent = document.getElementById("tblPrint");
var sFeatures = "height=200,width=300,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no";

win = window.open("","Print", sFeatures);



Now, right down onClick event = " OpenWindow()" in button.

Finally you click on "Print" button, It will open a new popup window and it will see also open a print dialogbox.

getElementById(IDName).innerHTML will do this job.

Now Visual Studio 2008 have small name of "
getElementById" and that is "$get".

23 February 2008

Start to search in Gujrati language.

It will display Gurati language keyborad and search result in Internet Explorer.

20 February 2008

Download some learning Video for ASP.NET 3.5 from MSDN.

You can also download source code for them.

There are more then 100 video series for ASP.NET related technology.

14 February 2008

Visual Studio have a small "Browse With..." feature in IDE.

"Browse with" menu is use to browse our web page in particular selected browser.

Right click on solution explorer, on "aspx" page.

This is "Browse with" dialog box.

You can add any new browser which is not register here, like "FireFox", "Opera" etc, by clicking on "Add" button.

Select the browser name and "Set as Default" to open every time your web site in the same browser.

You can also set bowser resolution (window size) by clicking on bellow drop down.

And there is another small one feature "Internal Web Browser", here will browser your site in you IDE directly.

12 February 2008

Customer event is very easy from Web User Controls.

Just 4 steps of code for this!

1) Declare event in the user control

public EventHandler AddNew;

2) Fire that event form user controls event.

if (AddNew != null)
AddNew(sender, e);

(like button click event in that control.)

3) Now asign that event in Page_OnInit event for that control.

protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
myUserCotrol1.AddNew = new EventHandler(MyNewEventMethod);

4) Now wight down that method in which one you declared in page onInit event

protected void MyNewEventMethod (object sender, EventArgs e)
//Some code;
//Some code;


31 January 2008

Download 59 learning video of Silver Light from Silver.net site.

Create PROCEDURE usp_MoveSequence]

@ID int,

@Sequence int,

@MoveBy varChar(4)




DECLARE @compateTo INT

DECLARE @compateToMax INT

DECLARE @currentSequence INT

DECLARE @NextSequence INT


IF @MoveBy='UP'

Select TOP 1 @NextSequence=Sequence, @NextRecordID=ID from TableName where sequence<@Sequence ORDER BY sequence DESC


Select TOP 1 @NextSequence=Sequence, @NextRecordID=ID from TableName where sequence>@Sequence ORDER BY sequence


IF @NextRecordID<>0


UPDATE TableName SET Sequence=@NextSequence WHERE ID=@ID

UPDATE TableName SET Sequence=@Sequence WHERE ID=@NextRecordID



13 January 2008

Do you want to show 1 rupees note of year 1949?

Click Here to find really very great information about currency of our country with image preview and it year.
Did you started to learn new features of Visual Studio 2008?

  • What's New in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
  • Microsoft LINQ
  • Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX
  • Microsoft Silverlight.
Download eBook of this new version of Visual Studio from Microsoft learning center.

07 January 2008

Microsoft Office provides very good temples for Year 2008.

This templates are available in many formats like Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Once note, Visio

Download many attractive calenders form here.