23 September 2009

Google map allows us to create radius in its map, user will drag and drop that radius in different location and he will able to show only those pointers which are search result in his selected criteria.
Visit this example : http://maps.forum.nu/gm_sensitive circle2.html to create radius in Google map.
Google saAction
Now we can get new updated radius value from JavaScript function.
We have to pass that amount to SQL Server stored procedure Below is that sql :

    CREATE PROCEDURE uspAddress_GetByRadius
        @Latitude        decimal(10,8)
        ,@Longitude        decimal(10,8)   
        ,@Radius        decimal(5,3)

        DECLARE @R decimal(18,10)
        SET @R = PI()/180

              ACOS((SIN(@Latitude*@R)* SIN(Latitude*@R)) + (COS(@Latitude*@R)* COS(Latitude*@R) * COS(Longitude*@R - @Longitude*@R))) * 6378.137 AS Distance
                     CONVERT(decimal(10,8), SUBSTRING(LMapCoordonates, 0, CHARINDEX(',',LMapCoordonates))) as Latitude
                    ,CONVERT(decimal(10,8), SUBSTRING(LMapCoordonates, CHARINDEX(',',LMapCoordonates) + 1, 100)) as Longitude
              FROM tblAddress) AS A
            ACOS((SIN(@Latitude*@R)* SIN(Latitude*@R)) + (COS(@Latitude*@R)* COS(Latitude*@R) * COS(Longitude*@R - @Longitude*@R))) * 6378.137 <= @Radius

We will apply Google map’s new Latitude and Longitude value and radius area to the sql server’s stored procedure and it will return only those records which are satisfy that criteria.

18 September 2009

PicJoke is online photo editor tool, which allows to embed funny frame to our uploaded image.

There are so many frame Effects.

Have some quick fun.