27 September 2006

this is a grate opportunity to create blog in MSDN for India.

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26 September 2006

i know before this that we can debug all sql query and all kind of transction in sql server 2000 and 2005, but i don't know how to do this today i found some details about this.

We can debug every transction of sql server.

all this tool are avalable in 'Binn' folder of the sql server directory. like:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn

  • Start sql server from run : sqlservr.exe
  • Start sql server query analyzer from run : isqlw.exe
  • Monitoring with SQL Profiler : profiler.exe
  • show chart view for sql server from : Administrative Tools/Performance

these are important tools. suppose you are working in front end application and you want to know that which query fire to sql server you can show it.

14 September 2006

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12 September 2006

last few days i m working with cryatal report 9 and vb.net 2003.

i found some usefull information for crystal report and vb.net. here are some
of that. i have to create a report with some sub report. The report is using
sql stored procedure in back-end. i have to pass it's parameter from vb.net.

there is one primary report and eleven sub report. this is a new experience for
me. i use stored procedure to calculate and retrive complex data from data
base. there was very good use of stored procedure. but finaly i have to work

with crystal report and vb.net for front-end.

'Finaly i create a class to show that report. this are the referance, in that class.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared

Public Class rpt_Schema

Dim TheReport As Integer

Public Sub New(ByVal ReportIDX As Integer)

TheReport = ReportIDX

End Sub

'i create a function which returm all required informationform database for this report. and pass it in to parameter for crystal report.
'this fucntion return that report document.

Private Function generateReport() As


Dim tmpCrystalReport As New ReportDocument
tmpData = generateBasicInfo()
tmpCrystalReport.Load(Application.StartupPath & "\Report\rptMain.rpt")

Dim crParameterDiscreteValue As ParameterDiscreteValue
Dim crParameterFieldDefinitions As ParameterFieldDefinitions
Dim crParameterFieldLocation As ParameterFieldDefinition
Dim crParameterValues As ParameterValues

' Get the report's parameters collection.
crParameterFieldDefinitions = tmpCrystalReport.DataDefinition.ParameterFields

'not i have to pass all parameters here. as follow:
'there was 36 parameters so i create this procedure "generateReport_child".

'param 1
generateReport_child("@vCenterIDX", tmpData.CenterIDX,crParameterFieldDefinitions, crParameterFieldLocation,crParameterValues)

'param 2
generateReport_child("@vYearIDX", tmpData.YearIDX, crParameterFieldDefinitions,
crParameterFieldLocation, crParameterValues)



generateReport = tmpCrystalReport tmpCrystalReport = Nothing End Function

End Function

Private Sub generateReport_child( _ ByVal ParamName As String, _
ByVal ParamValue As Integer, _
ByVal crParameterFieldDefinitions As ParameterFieldDefinitions, _
ByVal crParameterFieldLocation As ParameterFieldDefinition, _
ByVal crParameterValues As ParameterValues)

'i have all arguments datatype was integer here
Dim crParameterDiscreteValue As ParameterDiscreteValue
crParameterFieldLocation = crParameterFieldDefinitions.Item(ParamName)
crParameterValues = crParameterFieldLocation.CurrentValues
crParameterDiscreteValue = New CrystalDecisions.Shared.ParameterDiscreteValue

End Sub

End Class

''in form coding. just three line code.

Private Sub rptPreview_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

'create instance Dim rpt1 As New rpt_Schema(<>)
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = generateReport()
rpt1 = Nothing

End Sub

Crystal Decisions Project Examples

VB.NET Web Sample ApplicationsVB.NET Windows Sample Applications

a ready code for sub report click here.

but i had a problem with, when i attach account report more then one time as sub
report in same primary report. i cant successfully pass parameters in that sub
report. if i will found any result for the same put that here letter.

09 September 2006

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